optoelectronics industry中文什么意思

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  1. For further information on the optoelectronics industry , please refer to the website of
  2. The former was established by siom in 1988 to adapt the reform of scientific and technical system , transform the scientific and technical result , and develop laser and optoelectronics industry
    原上海大? ? ?学精密机械公司成立于1988年,是中科院上海光机所为适应我国科技体制改革、实现科技成果转化、发展“镭射与光电子' '产业而组建的一个高新技术企业。
  3. In terms of the choice of key industries , the optoelectronics industry has become the global focus , and many countries around the world construct optics valleys one after another as to conquer advanced technologies and maintain go - aheadism advantage


  1. optoelectronic tra mitter 什么意思
  2. optoelectronic transducer 什么意思
  3. optoelectronic transistor 什么意思
  4. optoelectronic transmitter 什么意思
  5. optoelectronics 什么意思
  6. optoeletronic amplifier 什么意思
  7. optoemitters, receivers, transceivers 什么意思
  8. optogalvanic effect 什么意思
  9. optogalvanic signals 什么意思
  10. optogalvanic spectra 什么意思


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